

eBooks and Active Living Resources

At Origin Active Lifestyle Communities, we encourage individuals to live an active and engaging lifestyle. Download our eBooks, tools, and resources to learn more about senior living, health and wellness, care options, and what our communities have to offer.


A Guide to Caregiving

Caring for an older loved one can be a complex role, so we’ve created a guide to help family caregivers navigate the world of caregiving. Learn how to be a successful caregiver and when it’s time to seek support.

Building Your Ideal Retirement

Establishing your ideal retirement lifestyle takes time and effort. Download our eBook to learn how to develop, maintain, and achieve your retirement goals.

Promoting Wellness Through Spa Treatments

Achieving overall health and wellness extends beyond a healthy diet and exercise. Learn how individuals can improve wellness by utilizing spa treatments that hold proven health benefits.

Satisfying Employee Engagement

Employee engagement can improve employee retention and recruitment. Learn more about the Soul Cafe and how Origin encourages employee engagement.

What is Active Living?

Download our eBook to learn what active living means, tips for living a healthier lifestyle, and how we encourage healthy, active living within our communities.


Holiday Home Safety Checklist

For many, the holiday season is a time to visit friends and family. Use our checklist this holiday season to assess the home, safety, and well-being of older loved ones.

Moving Checklist

Moving can be a tedious process, making it easy to forget to pack obvious items. Download and use our moving checklist to help as you pack for your move to senior living.

Additional Resources

Activities to Stimulate the Senses Guide

Our senses contribute to overall health and wellness, affecting how we lead an active lifestyle. Download our Activities to Stimulate the Senses Guide to learn how to energize and stimulate your senses.

In Home Care vs. Community Care

Finding the right type and level of care for you or your family is crucial to leading your desired lifestyle. Both in-home care and community living are great options, but one may better suit your personal situation and preferences. Download our guide to determine which type of care would benefit your family.

Shopping List to Promote an Active Lifestyle

Leading an engaging and fulfilling lifestyle begins with nutrition and how we fuel our bodies. Download our shopping list to discover foods that help promote an active lifestyle.

Meditation Guide

One of the biggest challenges older adults face is managing stress and anxiety. Download our meditation guide to discover ways to manage stress and reduce feelings of anxiety.

Quality of Life Calculator

Use this tool to evaluate your lifestyle, hobbies, and social activities and discover if you would benefit from transitioning into an active senior living community.

How Can We Help You?

A Passion for Caring

See The Studies

Commited To Expansion

Our Approach To Nourishment

Where We Serve

We Take Care Of Our Team Members

Learn About Senior Living

Education & Information For Families

Blog Articles

Origin Green Living

The People Of Origin


Press Room

How Can We Help You?

A Passion for Caring

See The Studies

Commited To Expansion

Our Approach To Nourishment

Where We Serve

We Take Care Of Our Team Members

Learn About Senior Living

Education & Information For Families

Blog Articles

Origin Green Living

The People Of Origin


Press Room